Sunday, May 05, 2024
Blogging Write Tribe

Between WordPress and Blogger.

We are celebrating 7 Days to Rediscovering Your Blogging Groove at the Write Tribe. On Day 1 we wrote a list. On Day 2 we answered a question. For Day 3 we are writing a review.

Today I am going to write a review comparing WordPress and Blogger, based on my experiences with the two.


I started my first blog – Void Thoughts – in blogger. It was pretty easy to set up for a beginner me. There are different templates to choose from, but it is limited and pretty simple that with one with limited knowledge in web could easily navigate through. Widgets can be added, depending on one’s preference, choices are fairly good. If you’ve linked your blogger with google plus then you will be notified when you receive new comments. Blogger has an app for smartphones/tabs, but I am not a big fan of it. I like blogger’s editor, as I can choose the font I like or change the font size. There is an option to enable transliteration and choose a language of your choice.

Blogger editor
Blogger editor


In the beginning, WordPress appeared to me pretty complicated. Coming from the simple user interface of blogger platform, WordPress looked complex to me. But soon I found out that it isn’t really complicated as I thought. And soon I found out that WordPress offers more than Blogger. Like the notification tab. Notification comes by default in WordPress. It is handy when someone replies to the comment I made in their post. I love that feature. It is pretty easy to track the blogs I follow, from a tablet or a smartphone, using the app for WordPress. WordPress offers a lot of templates. Choosing the right one that fits your blog is a difficult task at first, as all the templates cannot be tweaked the way you might like. It is a drawback of WordPress. But it shouldn’t matter as there are plenty available. And if you are willing to pay, you get access to even more bunch of them.

One major disagreement I have with WordPress is the inability to choose a different font. The editor gives only so much of  options – there isn’t any. If you pay $30 you will get access to custom fonts and colors. And today I found out that there isn’t any underline option next to the italics. I used ctrl + u to draw the line. 🙂

Wordpress Editor
WordPress Editor

In WordPress, we can file posts under different categories. Also, there is an option to create different menus and display them according to the template you are using.  I like the like button that comes with WordPress. It is very handy when I’m short of time in particular.

Overall, I lean towards WordPress more than blogger. I am debating with myself whether to migrate Void Thoughts to WordPress. Just don’t want to lose my readers there. What is your input?

I’m sure there are more to cover here, but I’m stopping now. Do let me know what is your preferable blogging platform in the comment section.




An IT Professional, an author, an accidental blogger, a lover of words and a recent self-care addict. I love stringing words together, which I lovingly call a poem. You can read my affair with words at Void Thoughts( and Reflections..(

0 thoughts on “Between WordPress and Blogger.

  1. I never used blogger much. I had created a blog there too but the WordPress one survived, so I guess that tells what’s my favourite!

    1. If you get clicked with WordPress at first shot then there is no turning back. 🙂 When I started blog, I wasn’t aware of WordPress.

  2. I started with Blogger and loved the simple interface it had for a tech-challenged person like me. Blogger was a great learning experience. 2 years ago, I moved to a self-hosted wordpress blog and I am loving it too. Yes, it took me some time to get used to it but now I am very happy using it. While I had never used the Blogger app on phone, I am using the WordPress app and it’s good to blog from phone too.

    1. I love the simplicity of Blogger. But I love the easiness of following other blogs and managing comments in WP. I have half mind to migrate my blog in Blogger to WordPress just because of that. Still in doubt though! Glad you got it figured out, Shilpa. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

  3. I started off with Blogger too. But it has many limitations after the initial setup. i found it difficult to find blogs that interest me. It doesnt have a ‘Reader’ and ‘notification’ feature as we have in wordpress. Also, the ‘Freshly Pressed’ of WordPress also introduces us to new bloggers. WP also provides lot of inputs for blogs, writings, pictures, etc. Similar stuff not existing for WP. Therefore, moved to WP few months ago.

      1. Exactly, Lata. I am facing similar problems with my blog at Blogger, where I blog more often than here. Though I write less here I am getting more feedback in this blog. So I am considering migrating that one to WP. Your input is pushing me to take the plunge. 🙂 Thanks a lot for sharing. 🙂

  4. I was using blogger and moved to self hosted WP and am happy I did that, i think blogger UI is simple and for beginners its a breeze! Super review.

    1. Glad you liked it, Shweta. Yes, Blogger is easy to use. 🙂 But I’m considering moving Void Thoughts to WP. You will still visit me if I do that Shweta, won’t you? 🙂

  5. Am I the only one who was scared of blogger 😀 I tried creating it and left it in middle 😉 started WP and I love how easy it is. Also, I could change the font size but limited to a post though 🙂 I could even use colors if I remember right. Yup, they worked!

    1. Aah, the odd one, aren’t you Shanx? I would love to know how you are getting different font size and colors. Is it paid version you are using? Or WP discriminating based on writing abilities? 🙂

      1. 😀 haha. I like wp’s dashboard better and I remember being lost trying to figure out blogger 😉 will text you the details 🙂

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